Reviewing Your Wellness Portfolio The Path to Improved Health

Having a wellness portfolio is an important part of staying healthy and managing your overall health. A wellness portfolio can help you track your health, set goals, and measure progress. It’s also a useful tool for assessing the impact of lifestyle changes and monitoring any potential health risks. Here are some tips for reviewing your wellness portfolio:

  1. Set realistic goals When setting goals for yourself, make sure they are achievable and specific. For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, say “I want to lose 10 pounds in three months” or “I want to exercise five times per week”. Writing down measurable objectives will help you stay accountable and track your progress more easily.
  2. Track your progress Once you have established achievable goals, it is important to track how well you are doing in reaching them by recording any changes in physical activity levels or dietary habits over time e.g., the number of steps taken daily. This allows you to better understand what works best for you so that you can adjust accordingly as needed.
  3. Monitor potential risksMonitoring potential risks helps ensure that small issues don’t become big problems down the road with regards to your health and well-being like high blood pressure or cholesterol levels etc. Keeping track of these numbers will give an accurate picture of where improvements need to be made if necessary before larger issues arise from neglecting them

4 . Stay up-to-date on recommended tests Regular checkups at the doctor’s blood work, mammograms, etc. should also be included within our wellness portfolios as they provide us valuable insight into our current state of health alongside helping us prevent future illness from developing further which we may not even know about yet!

Overall having a well-rounded wellness portfolio underpins improved health as it allows us not only to set reasonable objectives but keeps us accountable while providing us with enough information so that we can effectively monitor any potential risks that could potentially harm our well-being over time.